10 May 2009

Going organic

I have never been a follower of bandwagons and rarely crazed over the newest fads but this year, I want to be "in". Why? Because I found something worth going gaga about - Organic products.

I want to embrace going organic as much as I could. Of course I'm not going cold turkey on the things I've grown to love and I don't want to go bankrupt either. So my goal? To be able to get the benefits of organic products without leaving me with no other options but to sell my organs to afford it.

My first target? Organic hygiene & body care products. After hours of research, I finally found one that suites the description I'm seeking. I did a background check on the company and it looks highly trustworthy. It says there that all ingredients are bought directly from local farmers manufactured with no additives. This I gotta try.

I know y9u're asking, why not start by going organic on the inside - meaning food-wise. Well, to be honest, I'm not strong enough to fight that battle yet. And like they say, never engage in a war that you're a hundred percent positive that you're not going to win. And in this case, I'm 110% sure!