19 November 2007

withered stone

I was scraped by metal spikes, pierced by a rusty nail, and even fell face first from a pick up truck.

I've been through rejections and countless regrets and had my heart torn by the earthly passing of people I loved.

Though the world presented itself sugarcoated, still I surrounded myself with safetynets and restrictions.

As I journey life, I've been cynical and numb and perhaps became the rock that they all perceived me to be.

But at the end of the day, I still couldn't see, how I can be hurting - feeling this piercing pain that with all medication failed to numb thee.

12 November 2007


Twinstars are found at your darkest hour. Times when you're at your lowest. That's how you get a glimpsed of the sparkle that at other times, you have left unnoticed.
This is what I realized just last night. It's not that last night was incredibly devastating, rather, it was simply... incredible.
I'm not making sense am I?
Twinstars are said to be a pair of soul that are meant to collide through the course of life (or lives for that matter). These are two entities that was once ONE. In that regard, they can't help but be drawn to each other no matter what dimension or level they are in or what generation they might have sprung out of. The most common misconception is that twinstars or most commonly known as twinsouls end up with each other as husbands & wives.
In reality (or perhaps reality for just those who believes it to be), twinstars can be just about anyone - parent, child, friend, mentor, or a stranger who you happen to brush upon - who at some point, touched your soul.
In one lifetime, you don't always end up with each other. That's why your journey continues - developing, each stepping up the ladder (though sometimes not at the same time) and inevitably fusing to make whole the once separated soul.
Going back to the statement that twinstars are found in one's darkest hour, I think one may not immediately notice that you were just inches away from your other half but you just know that something is different. That, borrowing from 'the alchemist', the universe is working for you to achieve your personal legend. And what bigger goal can you have topping the one that will make you whole again? Too bad that from the busy buzz of life, we may not even get an inkling before the minute that you two were separated again.
In my childhood of 3 or 4, I thought my twinstar was in a dimension higher than mine - the one that only I can see and my mother only sense that I see. But now I realize, maybe s/he may not be that far after all - not another world as I believed but just another generation under the same sky where I live.

27 October 2007

a cub's life

It's plain silly.

This might have been an outdated issue but i'm reacting anyway. A question was raised on whether a zoo-bred cub be domesticated or left to die.

The story:

a polar bear (Knut) was born in captivity and was cared for by zoo keepers after its mother rejected him. Now, 'animal-rights activists' are suggesting that the cub be euthanized instead of being cared for by human hands.

The argument?

They stipulated that since the mother rejected the cub, Knut would have died anyway as nature took its course. This was the law, 'survival of the fittest', so it's 'unethical' to let the cub live.

Common sense:

But isn't that why zoos are there in the first place? Or should those be limited for our amusement. And, it was not like its mother lived in the wild for that to apply. We opted to place the mom in captivity, are we to decide the infant's fate as well?

The mother rejected it. Big deal. Are we to euthanized every human baby after it was abandoned by its parents? I don't think so. Are we to apply 'survival of the fittest' in that scenario? Because for sure, any infant, be it human or otherwise would not have survived without being cared for. I know what some anthro-centric individuals are muttering now, 'that's different, it's a human life'. How different could it be? Whichever angle you look at it, its the same act of killing for no reason but ending life itself. There's no need for it aside perhaps to gratify some posers protecting an abstract philosophy of how things should be. And if, my dear, you argue on giving human care on an animal as a 'blatant violation of animal-welfare laws', then perhaps it's time we reevaluate the laws we honor. Think about it.

11 July 2007

happy meal!

Look at it, it's still happy to see me..

Is it happy because its purpose in life has been realized?or is it only 'I' who thinks that way?Justifying how this creature has made it way to my plate?

Is there really a Great Chain of Being as mentioned by an author named Pepper? Or is this really limited to the Christian faith?
If so, using this argument that we are superior to plants, animals, etc, it is but natural for us to consume them?
But then again, it will also mean that we are to serve as inferior beings fit for Seraphim, Cherubim, and angels's consumption.

And so as the anthrocentric beings that we are, we will scrap that belief.

As a result, we are now again left to ponder if it is morally right to eat other living beings.are we not also considered as predators just like our primitive brothers?

Or are we to argue that life really is 'survival of the fittest'? If so, why are we helping 'less fit' individuals? Is it because we unite and fight as a specie?Or is it because of our innate gift: altruism?it may be so, but then, why are we still cruel to each other?

Going back to our main corcern, should we continue eating our furry, four paws walking friends?

I say no! Be healthy, and live to 100yrs!
A century of pale, tasteless foods. A century of non-festive holidays and birthdays!
Hmmm, look! My pork steak is happy to see me.

01 January 2007

write, right?

i can't write...

i can't seem to think of anything to write about.
it's not an issue of lack of topics or subjects,
because a lot of things have been popping in my mind lately.

should i write about them? shall i not?

maybe, it all comes down to the relevance of such issues,
and/or sheer level of senselessness.
fact is, i can't seem to focus to one.

lately, that's how i see things - disarrayed.
and it seems that that's the problem, also, of most people.

we tend to overdo things.
to include unneccesary aspects to an otherwise noble endeavor.

why can't we just keep things simple?
why can't we stick to what is needed?

why set rules that's irrelevant to what you do?
why waste time & energy exerting extra effort that contribute nothing to your cause?
why restrict yourself doing things you love if abstaining from it has no effect whatsoever to what you do?

why can't i just write?
why can't i just write about those things bugging my mind?

with this posts, i have erased paragraphs that i deem important..
just because of the consequences they might bring..

there's a lot i want to convey, so why can't i write them?
why am i restricting myself in doing what i was set to do?
am i overthinking things now? should i not restrict myself?

just like my mind right now, this post is also disarrayed.

i want to write.
i should set my priorities straight.
do what i think is right.