11 July 2007

happy meal!

Look at it, it's still happy to see me..

Is it happy because its purpose in life has been realized?or is it only 'I' who thinks that way?Justifying how this creature has made it way to my plate?

Is there really a Great Chain of Being as mentioned by an author named Pepper? Or is this really limited to the Christian faith?
If so, using this argument that we are superior to plants, animals, etc, it is but natural for us to consume them?
But then again, it will also mean that we are to serve as inferior beings fit for Seraphim, Cherubim, and angels's consumption.

And so as the anthrocentric beings that we are, we will scrap that belief.

As a result, we are now again left to ponder if it is morally right to eat other living beings.are we not also considered as predators just like our primitive brothers?

Or are we to argue that life really is 'survival of the fittest'? If so, why are we helping 'less fit' individuals? Is it because we unite and fight as a specie?Or is it because of our innate gift: altruism?it may be so, but then, why are we still cruel to each other?

Going back to our main corcern, should we continue eating our furry, four paws walking friends?

I say no! Be healthy, and live to 100yrs!
A century of pale, tasteless foods. A century of non-festive holidays and birthdays!
Hmmm, look! My pork steak is happy to see me.

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