07 February 2008

Volunteerism: A Path to Fulfillment

Volunteerism: A Path to Fulfillment

By Alexis Marian Africa

Volunteerism is widespread throughout the world. Countless people driven by altruism seek to take action in order to help those in need. Certainly, a simple smile from a deprived family or a sick kid wipes away the exhaustion a volunteer feels. However, in terms of environmental volunteerism, the pay-off is subtle to the eye. This is where genuine selflessness comes in. And the earth has a funny approach when it comes to rewards.

The organization of choice for this article is the GREENPEACE International. This is a non-profit organization that caters to the needs of mother earth by focusing on the “world’s most crucial threat to our planet’s biodiversity and environment”. Established in 1971, Greenpeace poses as earth’s voice and fights to stop climate change, protect ancient forests, save the oceans, stop whaling, say no to genetic engineering, stop the nuclear threat and so on.

Before I joined this organization, I pictured myself going to the field and doing the dirty but rewarding dirty work. With this thought, I couldn’t wait to start and save the world! However, in my first week of membership, I learned that I could do so much for the environment even in the comfort of my own home. That’s right! Thanks to technological advances in telecommunication, I could easily come to the rescue to an ancient forests miles and miles away!

That was in fact the first action I have accomplished. Through electronic mail, I was able to communicate to an international company my disgust on how they destroy nature for profit. The company in question is the Kimberly-Clark, the producer of Kleenex tissue. Because of unethical practices done by Kimberly-Clark, Greenpeace decided to mobilize concerned people in order to make the former understand the detriments of their production. The campaign aims to put a stop in the mindless flushing of ancient forests down the toilet.

Aside from being a cyber activist, there are a lot of other ways to assist Greenpeace to help the planet. First, you can make a donation in order to facilitate different activities. Second, you can be a field volunteer. They will train you to ensure you do the right job for the right thing. In addition, most of their employees started out as volunteers. Third, you can help spread the word (like what I’m pretty much doing) so that more and more people will get involved. Fourth, share your thoughts and ideas! They will surely listen to your concern. Lastly, if you really want to make volunteerism your vocation, work for them! There’s nothing more rewarding than doing something that makes a difference and having the job you love!

Don’t just take my word for it! Visit their site right now!



Lorgen Shadoufang said...

Great blog! ='D
Back in 1997 I think, I wrote the Greenpeace UK section to ask about membership. They replied but I didn't continue.
Incidentally, last February 13 during the UP Fair in UP Diliman, I met the Greenpeace people of Manila. They had a booth there. You probably already know, but their office is in Kamias, near the Amnesty International Philippines office. AI is a human rights org.
I just learned then that they've already have a SouthEase Asia website. http://www.greenpeace.org/seasia/ They don't have a ".org.ph" site yet =')

posham said...

thanks.. i'm trying to apply for a job for greenpeace philippines.. i hope they have an opening... i want to do this full time...

Lorgen Shadoufang said...
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Lorgen Shadoufang said...

Hi, posham! I just finished my blog on meeting Greenpeace in the UP Fair 2008 thing. WHEW! I think it took me 3 hours or more! ;'o


Unknown said...

Ei, Alex, are you serious about this? Well, I'm becoming a fan of yours, count me in? I think your blog is getting really interesting...is there any way in which our blogs can be, err, connected? Or something like that? You're challenging me!

Wanna see you real soon!